about the cartoons look up old ones win an award for the asking stuff that doesn't fit in leave your questions, comments and concerns how to report those responsible home

Amaze your friends. Humiliate your enemies. Win a (non cash) award.


Do you feel your site is worthy?

If you tried to click on YES above or if there is a mark in the YES box on your monitor then you are exactly who I am looking for.

how's it work?

Copy the award of your choice to your page and link it back here using the code below. There are three awards currently ready for bestowment. Pick your poison.



award 01

from the desk of award


<a href="http://fromthedeskof.keenspace.com">
<img src="award_01.jpg" width="250" height="150"
alt="from the desk of award"></a></p>

award 02

from the desk of award


<a href="http://fromthedeskof.keenspace.com">
<img src="award_02.jpg" width="250" height="150"
alt="from the desk of award"></a></p>

award 03

from the desk of award


<a href="http://fromthedeskof.keenspace.com">
<img src="award_03.jpg" width="280" height="144"
alt="from the desk of award"></a></p>

that's it?


Then send me an e-mail to: mail_ftdo@yahoo.com so I can see your page. (More out of curiosity than anything else.)


any winners so far?


Check the list on the left.


what if I don't have a cartoon site?


It matters not to me, although there are fewer and fewer of you out there.


what if I don't have a website?


Then you really can't post this award anywhere, can you? I suppose you could pin it to the bulletin board in the break room but that doesn't make much sense now does it? Consider sending someone a FTDO postcard from the contact page.




A great big thanks to the following sites who have devoted resources (willingly or not) to this page.


BoxJam's Doodle

loan of the site and various coding assistance


host of this page and the comics


An online comics search engine and directory.

Talk About Comics

host of the forum


host of the comments of the weblog

award winners


charter members

BoxJam's Doodle


It Could Have Happened


James & Kim's Fun Page
Kim's Page
Hey Berke

© the author -- electronic signature does not imply legal contract nor should it be used for binding obligations, plus it's missing half my name

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